Comments from people who have bought Rats, Ravens and Men in Black
Gig Reviews here
Ed Kleinman, former Stranglers manager, USA - Received No More Heroes CD today, thanks a lot it is a great listen,a job well done!!!.A true credit to the Stranglers.
Andrew Romeo from Moscow - I particularly like The Raven. Unfortunately, I currently reside in Moscow, and can't make it to your gigs (unless you were to come here, of course)
Doug Kerr, UK - Rats Ravens and Meninblack is excellent, good effort! I like the faithful reproductions as well as the new touches eg: to Waltzinblack
Paul Statsmann, USA - Finally received the CD. You guys did a great job. I'm really impressed! Do you guys ever plan on heading this way? Also, I really liked the cover artwork. Once again...great job
Jon Leeming, UK - Got a copy of your album at Weekend & I'm well impressed, after a couple of listens Toiler, The Raven & Princess Of the Streets are the ones that are currently in my top three !
Simon Barraball, Canada - Just got the album, and it really is fabulous, you really have the MIB down to a tee.
Adrian Liggins - Official Stranglers Web Site, USA - Rats, Ravens and Men in Black sounds very good indeed!
Paul Noakes, UK - Loved the album!
Mark, UK - Now I pretty much know a lot about The Stranglers music and sounds - I'm a JJ influenced bass player to some degree ... Anyway, mucho congrats on the result. I pretty much expected the songs to be played fairly accurately but didn't expect the subtle inflections that can only be reproduced by knowing the song really well. Bass sound is uncanny.
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